Full HD pay-per-view live streaming and video on demand
The live streaming and video on demand platform for the event industry where you can monetise your digital content and do up-selling. Safeguard a smooth shopper journey.
Why use TicketCo TV?
Consumers spend hours daily engaging with digital content. Consumption of entertainment is fast growing on digital platforms. Make sure you can utilise this opportunity to generate revenue for your own business.
What is TicketCo TV?
TicketCo TV is a pay-per-view live streaming and video on demand service built into a robust payments platform that has processed millions of orders. The combination enables unique monetising possibilities, and it offers a peerless one-stop-shop for virtual and physical tickets, goods or services.
How does it work?
The foundation of TicketCo TV is TicketCo – a unified cloud-based platform for efficient event payments. The platform has hosted ten-thousands of events and processed millions of transactions, where TicketCo is the paywall, authentication wall and payout mechanism within TicketCo TV.
Integrated into this is a live streaming and a video on demand feature built on broadcasting grade technology from Amazon Web Services. When you live stream or upload your content into the TicketCo TV service the content is encoded and made available on a CDN to potentially support millions of viewers. We support Geo restrictions and DRM to safeguard that you are on top of your copyright and licensing issues.
The live streaming and video on demand platform for the event industry where you can monetise your digital content and do up-selling. Safeguard a smooth shopper journey.
Why use TicketCo TV?
Consumers spend hours daily engaging with digital content. Consumption of entertainment is fast growing on digital platforms. Make sure you can utilise this opportunity to generate revenue for your own business.
What is TicketCo TV?
TicketCo TV is a pay-per-view live streaming and video on demand service built into a robust payments platform that has processed millions of orders. The combination enables unique monetising possibilities, and it offers a peerless one-stop-shop for virtual and physical tickets, goods or services.
How does it work?
The foundation of TicketCo TV is TicketCo – a unified cloud-based platform for efficient event payments. The platform has hosted ten-thousands of events and processed millions of transactions, where TicketCo is the paywall, authentication wall and payout mechanism within TicketCo TV.
Integrated into this is a live streaming and a video on demand feature built on broadcasting grade technology from Amazon Web Services. When you live stream or upload your content into the TicketCo TV service the content is encoded and made available on a CDN to potentially support millions of viewers. We support Geo restrictions and DRM to safeguard that you are on top of your copyright and licensing issues.