Really excited that our last film will be distributed on a worldwide licence. Kill the Sunset productions have worked hard to get this film released and I'm really excited as Producer to get my first film out to the waiting public.
Six Hot Chicks in a Warehouse.
I've now been working at King's Place Music Foundation for over a year. I work there as a Freelance Conference Manager and have the pleasure of working along side a wonderful team of professional people, from My assistants, who help with FoH duties to the Technical and Production teams that work feverishly behind the scenes keeping everything running. I'm not allowed to tell you about most of the customers and clients we have but they are many and varied. I'm very lucky to work with such a diverse set of businesses and people. I recently had the pleasure of helping the FETL team with a conference and they won't mind we saying that they were very friendly and very complimentary. I hope to see them again soon. After the conference had finished I was able to pop in and see Paul Foxcroft recording a podcast with his team of Criminal Improv'ers. We worked together on a film in Norwich a good few years ago and I'm not surprised that he didn't recognise me but he and the team were very funny. The wit and humour I loved on set was clearly in evidence here as he took the crowd with him on his journey of discovery on the search for truth. A wonderful evening! I can highly recommend it but as it was very nearly sold out you need to book early at Kings Place box office (King' Cross).
September 2018
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