It's been a busy week as the GoGoHares prepare to hit the streets of Norwich. I've been "living" down at the top secret hideaway where Break Charity have been hiding the completed Hares ready for the Sculpture Trail. My Job is to Photograph all of the Leverets (Baby Hares) ready for the Sticker book being produced by the EDP I bumped into Emma and Denise yesterday morning... While the interviews were being recorded, newly painted Leverets were being delivered and each one carefully photographed and then later "cutout" ready for inclusion in the sticker book (to be released later this year). Each leveret comes with a story, they are being created by schools, clubs and organisations, and I love to hear how each one is created. I can't wait for you to see them later this year! What a great project to be involved in.
A random internet search back in January led me to The south appearing at the Waterfront in Norwich. A further search confirmed that they were the remnants of the "Beautiful South" from waaaay back. I booked and with expectation running high I went along to see the nine piece band. It was an amazing night. Although they have lost the "Beautiful" from their name they were beautiful in their appearance and perfomance, I sang until my voice was hoarse and loved every moment. Well done and I will be back.
Tonight saw me at my first Hostry Festival Production meeting for 2018! September is approaching fast and plans are well underway for this years festival. Keep your eyes peeled for more details... The talented Simon Brown and our own "national treasure" Helen Mc Dermott were muted to be teaming up for a Jazz evening! You heard it here first. :)
I've been lucky enough to work with Norfolk Children's Charity Break in their 50th year on the GoGoHares sculpture trail. Come July 50 sculptures will appear around the city and several have already been revealed. The latest, Hare LeQuin, was revealed last night and with several remote cameras I managed to capture the event on video as well as digital still. The link to the finished clip can be found on the EDP site I have full frame video and high quality audio saved, along with other reveals, for the wrap up film at the end of the year. I think that might take some editing :-o :) An impromptu visit to the Maddermarket Theatre today, to check on the sound setup for tonights Blake concert. The team are working well and it should be a good night! Soundcheck as I left was sounding very sweet. Have a great night everyone.
So very pleased to see my photos on the front of Norwich resident this month! It was lovely to work with Liza Dunnell Rock'n'Rolla Hairstylist to promote Pop! An evening of fashion and fun It was a great shoot, a great team with an awesome location at the St. Giles Hotel. Well done team! |
September 2018
AuthorTheatre / Film / Sound / Photographer / Geek Categories |